I signed up for this blog name in 2006 when a former professor of mine offered to give me an ice cream gift card after I refused to let her pay me for doing editorial stuff. Since then, I've bought an ice cream maker, taken an ice cream, gelato, and sorbet "cooking" class, and have collected 100+ photos of me eating ice cream around the world. The quirkiest flavors include lobster, black truffle, and bacon+eggs at The Ice Cream Gallery and tofu at XTC Gelato. The only ice cream flavor that I've ever really disliked is the garlic ice cream from The Stinking Rose, but otherwise, I love ice cream quite unconditionally.
Others since then have followed suit and given me ice cream for things that I've decided are "too fun to be paid for doing." The blog was sprinkled with personal posts here and there throughout the years, but after chatting with Daniel Wessel at Organizing Creativity in 2011, I was inspired to do more with it and start anew.
I'd been meaning to start a professional page for a while but couldn't decide on a domain when my name was taken. I've always loved this one but thought it wasn't professional enough to share with people who might hire me one day. But it's so me, and I figured, being me has worked out so why change that now? I still remember applying for graduate schools and deciding to not take a smiley face out of a personal statement because where it was situated fit so well. And I thought, if they were going to not accept me because of my emoticon use, it's probably not where I want to be anyway.
...so here's to a professional page with a bit of a personal twist! :)